Among the challenges for supply chain operators who want to consider adding or expanding automation is the inability to see technologies in person during the novel coronavirus pandemic. Geekplus Technology Co. today announced the launch of its new “virtual booth.” The Beijing-based company said the virtual space provides a dynamic digital environment to help visitors make informed and timely decisions about robotics.
Founded in 2015, Geek+ said it has more than 300 logistics customers and has deployed more than 10,000 mobile robots worldwide. The company, which raised $200 million in Series C funding in June, has more than 800 employees and offices in Germany, the U.K., the U.S., Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Geek+ was also a 2020 RBR50 innovation award winner (Robotics Business Review is a sibling site to Collaborative Robotics Trends).
Virtual booth part of Geek+ efforts to go to the market
Social-distancing measures have forced many activities to move online during the COVID-19 crisis. The virtual booth is the latest effort in a series of actions undertaken by Geek+, such as fully remote project implementations, online trainings, and virtual seminars about artificial intelligence and robotics. The company said these efforts can help businesses make informed decisions about how to secure business continuity.
“As robotics and automation pioneers, we pride ourselves on being solutions-oriented and flexibly adjust to any challenge that lies ahead,” stated Hong Yu, chief marketing officer at Geek+. “We’ve created this digital space to provide a dynamic, fun, and interactive way of learning about our products and give visitors access to the technologies that will bring much-needed stability and value to their logistics operations. In times of great change and uncertainty, innovation does not stop and it is our duty to help our audience access it.”
Upon entering the virtual booth, visitors can access an interactive online application called “Your Project Designer.” This provides a customized automation solution based on customers’ own business needs, said Geek+.

The virtual booth is organized around the four main logistics challenges of today: efficiency, flexibility, profitability, and human resources, said the company. It added that the online environment allows visitors to safely and dynamically learn about the benefits of AI and robotics and discover how they can affect their business operations.
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