Surgical robotics is a growing application for automation, but developers, integrators, and end users should understand how the technology is developing, the role of motors, and what procedures are applicable. Learn more in this week’s RoboBusiness Direct sessions.
RoboBusiness Direct
Motional, MIT experts to discuss the future of human-robot collaboration in RoboBusiness Direct
In this RoboBusiness Direct session moderated by MassRobotics Executive Director Tom Ryden, Motional CTO Laura Major and MIT Professor Julie Shah will discuss the future of human-robot interaction.
Learn how to deploy ROS-based automation, make UV disinfection safe in RoboBusiness Direct sessions
On Dec. 3, learn from a Robot Operating System expert at the Southwest Research Institute how do develop safe advanced automation. In addition, a DreamVu robotics expert will discuss how omnidirectional 3D vision can help disinfection robots.
Houston Mechatronics CTO, CEO to discuss maritime market in RoboBusiness Direct
Nicolaus Radford, co-founder, CEO, and CTO of Houston Mechatronics, will explain market opportunities for maritime robotics, using his own and his company’s experience as examples, in this RoboBusiness Direct presentation.
PTC VP to discuss how to design robots for the digital era in RoboBusiness Direct
Digital transformation through automation is a strategic imperative for most companies. In his RoboBusiness Direct session, John McEleney, corporate vice president of strategy at PTC, will share his insights on how to design and develop robots in today’s digital era.
RoboBusiness Direct panel to discuss future of robotics
A world-class team of robotics researchers and industry veterans will discuss the future of robotics during RoboBusiness Direct.
Digital manufacturing and robotics can yield economic benefits, says Fictiv co-founder
Despite economic hardships imposed by trade conflicts and the coronavirus pandemic, businesses can benefit from a digital manufacturing ecosystem, according to a RoboBusiness Direct speaker and Fictiv co-founder.
Harvard’s Conor Walsh to analyze assistive technologies in RoboBusiness Direct session
Conor Walsh, a recognized Harvard University professor, will share his insights on how soft, wearable robotics has evolved for industrial use in his RoboBusiness Direct session.
Surgical robotics startups need a strategy for success, says RoboBusiness Direct speaker
In his RoboBusiness Direct session, Dwight Meglan, who has worked at multiple surgical robotics startups, will examine critical factors for commercial success.
Harmonic Drive to explain how actuator design affects robotics development in RoboBusiness Direct
In this RoboBusiness Direct keynote, three experts on actuation from Harmonic Drive will explain how the technology can enable robotics developers to accelerate time to market.
Motor specialist to explain technical considerations for pairing motors, Harmonic Drive gearboxes
Kollmorgen frameless motor specialist Tom S. Wood will explain how to pair motors with Harmonic Drive gearboxes in this RoboBusiness Direct technical breakout session.
Gatik’s Apeksha Kumavat to explain how autonomous vehicles can deliver value now
In this RoboBusiness Direct session, Apeksha Kumavat, co-founder and chief engineer of Gatik, will explain how constraining the operational design domain can help autonomous vehicles bring value more quickly.
Robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks to examine mega trends in RoboBusiness Direct keynote
Rodney Brooks, co-founder of iRobot, Rethink Robotics, and Robust.AI, will discuss mega trends and their affect on robotics development in his RoboBusiness Direct keynote.
Fictiv COO to focus on digital manufacturing ecosystems at RoboBusiness Direct on Sept. 22
At the Sept. 22 RoboBusiness Direct session, manufacturing expert Jean Olivieri, COO at Fictiv, will discuss how new digital ecosystems can help manufacturers without a high price tag, disruption, and complexity.
Interact Analysis’ Ash Sharma to focus on the business value of AMRs at RoboBusiness Direct
As part of the RoboBusiness Direct series, Interact Analysis Managing Director Ash Sharma will analyze the recent growth of autonomous mobile robots and how they provide value to different markets.
How robots are succeeding — and failing — in the world of logistics
FedEx’s Aaron Prather will review the opportunities for robotics in the logistics sector, including circumstances that lead to deployment failures.
RoboBusiness Direct to discuss industry development online
RoboBusiness Direct to address critical robotics business development issues through a series of online presentations, Q&A, and media coverage.